What’s Vitamin C good for

What’s Vitamin C good for

What’s Vitamin C good for

What’s Vitamin C good for: L-ascorbic acid is also known as Vitamin-C is good for our overall development. Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients required by our body for its normal growth and for the proper functioning of our immune system.

This article will help you to understand what’s vitamin C good for and how much it is required by a normal human being.

WHO has included Vitamin C in the list of Essential Medicines. Vitamins are essential nutrients required by our body for its normal growth and development. Most of the vitamins requirements are fulfilled by including a balanced –diet in our daily food habits.

There are two groups of vitamins- water-soluble and fat-soluble. Vitamin –C is a water-soluble vitamin. Our body cannot store water-soluble vitamins because it is easily flushed out from our body. So, it is necessary to include a good amount of vitamin C in our daily diet.

An adult man requires 90mg of vitamin C while 75mg is recommended for an adult woman. In some cases, this requirement may vary. High doses of vitamin C is recommended for

  • Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding mother
  • People who smoke
  • Those persons who are recovering from surgery

Vitamin C for Human Body

Vitamin C is good for the proper functioning of our immune system

It is essential for fighting any kind of infections in our body and wound healing

Vitamin C is essential for the absorption of non-heme iron in the body. We must combine vitamin C when we are eating green leafy vegetables which are a rich source of non-heme iron.

It plays important role in the repair of our body tissues. High in anti-oxidant, it helps in removing unwanted substances from our body called ROS.

Vitamin-c plays a major role in the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

It also helps in the formation of some hormones which are used in the brain and nerves.

When we are talking about what’s Vitamin C good for then it is important to include that it works like a cleanser not only for internal systems in the body but for outside also. Outside here means it is a good cleanser for our skin and hair.

Some Facts

High heat and prolonged cooking can destroy Vitamin C from the foods. It is advisable to eat raw fruits and vegetables.

What are the Good Sources of Vitamin-C


  • Indian Gooseberry is a very good source of Vitamin C. One most interesting fact about Indian Gooseberry is that its nutrient value is not destroyed while cooking. So, it can be consumed either raw or cooked.
  • All citrus fruits are rich in vitamin –C. Examples are oranges, melons, lime, grapes, guava, kiwi, etc.
  • Vegetables that contain high Vitamin C are Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.
  • Including Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries in our daily diet provide a good amount of vitamin C.
  • White potatoes, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes are good sources of vitamin C.

Deficiency of Vitamin-C

If we include an insufficient amount of vitamin C in our daily diet the collagen production is intervened which results in the breakdown of tissues. This can cause scurvy. Symptoms of scurvy are swollen and bleeding gums, dental problems, joint pain, and fatigue.

The deficiency of vitamin C can weaken our blood vessels which may result in easy bruising

Low intake of vitamin –C can affect our bone health and can cause osteoporosis

The deficiency of vitamin C can cause anemia by reducing the absorption of iron (non-heme iron).

Including fewer vitamins –C in our daily diet can affect our collagen formation resulting in slow healing of wounds.

So, it is very essential to include a good amount of vitamin C in our daily diet. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is more effective for getting a sufficient amount of vitamin C. We can prepare fruits salads by including different types of fruits and vegetable salads by including tomatoes, cucumber, cabbages, and other vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin C good for Skin

What’s Vitamin C good for
What’s Vitamin C good for

Vitamin C for our skin health.

For Youthful and spotless skin Vitamin-C plays a very important role. It increases the collagen production in our body which keeps our skin young and applying Vitamin C as a serum on the skin removes dark spots and sunburns and makes our skin bright.

The deficiency of vitamin C in the body may result in dry and damaged skin which may result in wrinkles. if we include lots of fruits and vegetables in our diet we can make our skin plumpy and wrinkle-free.

It protects our skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun as it has high anti-oxidant.

It helps in better complexion and makes our skin brighter.

For young and glowing skin,  Vitamin C can be included in our daily diet as raw fruits and vegetables

We can also apply Vitamin C topically as serums which are very effective in reducing wrinkles and dark spots.

Vitamin-C for Hair

As it helps in the absorption of non-heme iron in the body it plays a very important role in the strengthening of hair roots. It is more important for those who are pure vegetarians as their source of iron is basically plant-based foods i.e., non-heme iron.

The deficiency of vitamin-c makes our hair dry and damaged.

Because of its antibacterial properties, it can help in getting rid of dandruff and itchy scalp.

A sufficient amount of vitamin C is good for healthy and beautiful hair. It also reduces the premature graying of hair.

We should include lots of green leafy vegetables combined with vitamin C for healthy hair and skin.

So, Vitamin-C is good for not only our overall health but it is also good for our skin and hair.

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