Self Esteem


In very simple words we can define self-esteem as Person’s belief about Self. We all have some thoughts and beliefs going inside our minds about ourselves.

We all are engaged in self-talk. This self-talk is based on our perception of who we are and what we are capable of. This self-talk is the very important information of our positive or negative self-esteem.

  • People with positive self-esteem are high in confidence and love themselves the way they are. People with lower self-esteem always doubt their abilities and give little value to their opinions and ideas. They are mostly Introverts and non-competent.


  • In positive self-esteem, people are more capable of handling their life’s ups and downs while people with negative self-esteem found difficult to handle their life’s negative situations. The basic foundation of Positive self-esteem is- faith in One’s ability and a Positive outlook of any situation- either positive or negative.
The words of appreciation and praise from the most eminent person in our life play a very important role in the formation of self–image. In early childhood parents and teachers play important role in establishing self-image.  They should not use any abusive words for their children. They should use words of appreciation even for little things. This is very effective in the formation of a positive self-image which is the foundation of positive self–esteem.

2. Family Background and Self-Esteem:

It plays a very important role in the formation of self-image. Family background includes the financial status of the family, behavior of parents, the kind of relationship they enjoy within the family.

These are very important factors in building a self-image of a person. A bad relationship with Parents or Partners or siblings can affect our self-esteem negatively.

3. Academic Achievements:

Poor academic performance results in lower self-esteem. While those who are good in studies, sports or any other field have high self-esteem.

So, it is the responsibility of the teachers and parents to understand the child and guide them in a better way so that they can form a positive image of themselves.

4. Physical Appearance and Self-Esteem:

Physical appearance also play role in developing positive or negative self-esteem. It is mostly found in women. If someone does not like their appearance or physical structure they do not feel good about themselves. They start avoiding their friends and social groups.

For positive self-esteem, it is important to create a healthy Body image which means recognizing the strength and qualities of yours which make you feel confident.

Everyone should accept and celebrate the uniqueness of their body.

5. Mental Illness

Mental illness can also affect self-esteem negatively.

6. Self-Belief and Self-Esteem:

Those persons who firmly believe in certain values and principles can overcome any negative situations in their life. They have faith in themselves and enjoy good confidence in whatever they do.

Other factors affecting our self-esteem are:

  • Domestic Violence
  • Unhappy Childhood
  • Abusive Relationship
  • Financial Breakdown

All these factors play a role in the formation of positive or negative self-esteem. But life experiences are thought to be the most important factor for overall self-esteem.

Person’s with positive Self-Esteem

  • Capable of making their own decisions
  • Always accept challenges and take risks in life
  • Enjoy a healthy relationship
  • Always ready to learn from their mistakes
  • Handle criticism and failure. They are able to bounce back when met with failure.
  • Such people communicate well with others
  • They love themselves and take good care of them by maintaining a healthy life

Person’s with low self-esteem

  • Think themselves worthless
  • Very analytical about themselves and give more attention to their weaknesses
  • Not confident and always doubt their decision-making
  • Very indecisive
  • A pessimistic or negative outlook on life
  • Most of the time they are engaged in negative self-talk
  • They frequently experience negative emotions
  • Find very difficult in maintaining healthy relationships
  • They doubt their abilities and avoid challenges

Self-esteem is mostly related to a self-image that is formed by the person based on his past experiences and life- events. Positive self-esteem is very important to be successful whether in the profession or in our relations. As human beings, we all wanted to achieve the highest goal- and we all truly deserve it.

Yes, we can change our self-image with little but constant effort, our willpower, and daily practice. Just don’t forget that the positive or negative image is formed by us. So, we have to teach and train our minds to think positively and create a beautiful picture of ourselves.

Always keep eraser with yourself whenever the mind is creating an ugly picture use this eraser to delete this picture and replace it with a beautiful image

How to Build Positive Self-Esteem


  • Indulge in Positive Self-Dialogue:

Create a beautiful and positive image of yourself. Use the word of appreciation for yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and say positive things about yourself like:

Think that you are the Best

You deserve the Best

also think that I am the unique creation of God

love challenges and can handle them well

love yourself, etc.

  • Always build healthy relationships. Try to be in the company of such Persons whose presence makes you feel happy.
  • Avoid negative people. Always surround yourself with positive people.
  • Do not compare yourself with others. Enjoy your uniqueness. Everyone is the unique creation of God find your positive qualities taking the help of your well-wishers
  • Do not be too critical of yourself
  • Forget the past. Try to forget all the past bad memories and disappointments. Remember every new morning is a new beginning.
  • Be assertive: communicate honestly about your feelings, emotions, needs, and wants.
  • Practice Self-Compassion which means trying to be warm and understanding towards yourself when you fail and feel fragile.
  • Regular Exercise. Regular physical exercise makes a person fit and healthy. It helps him feel good about himself.
  • Meditation: By practicing meditation regularly we become more conscious about our internal thoughts. We have more control over our actions and reactions. We can better analyze the incoming negative thoughts.
    With practice, it gives power to our mind to understand our every thought in the right perspective and helps in forming our positive image.
  • Associate yourself with organizations that are completely devoted to some social cause. When we work for the good cause of society, it gives meaning to our lives and helps in building a positive image.
    Positive Self-esteem is important to be successful in any arena of life may it be a profession or relation.

It is important for a person to bounce back from failure.
We surely can achieve our target through our continuous effort and commitment.
Be conscious about your internal thoughts and external environment.
Set your goals and try to achieve one by one

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinion drown out your own inner voice” quoted Steve Jobs.

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