Life-Changing Habits

Life-Changing Habits

Life-Changing Habits

Life-changing habits play a very important role in our success or failure in life. Jack Canfield has said, “Your habits will determine your future”. More of our actions and reactions are based on our habits. When we practice certain behavior for a long period of time it becomes our habit. Habits are very powerful once formed they become very difficult to change. It becomes stronger and stronger over time and becomes automatic with time.

How life-changing habits formed

Charles Duhigg in his best-selling book The Power of Habit: has talked about three components of habit called a Habit Loop- a signal (or a cue), an action, and a reward.

Life-Changing Habits


How Habits Are Formed
How Habits Are Formed

Our routine becomes an unconscious habit followed by the same three-step loop :

For example- when we wake up early morning, we need a cup of coffee or tea to make us feel more energetic. We feel drowsy without having that morning tea or coffee.

Getting out of bed is a cue- making tea or coffee is action and its test, aroma, and alertness we feel is the reward.

So, any repeated actions when rewarded again and again are reinforced and it becomes our habit in long term. As we continued to crave the desired reward, it becomes harder and harder to break a bad habit.

The interesting thing is that our brain does not differentiate between bad and good habits, both are equal for it. Those habits become behavior which is continued over weeks and years.

How to Form Life-changing habits


The most essential step in life-changing habits according to Charles Duhigg is to change our routine, but keep the cue and reward the same.

Will Power

Our willpower plays a very important role in building important habits. As we strengthen our willpower, we become more successful at adopting habits that lead to a successful, positive lifestyle.

Brain Tracy has rightly said, “Successful people are those with successful habits”. So, we should learn healthy habits by including them in our daily routine and practice them with our willpower.

Small changes in our daily routine lead to long-term happiness and growth. “First you make your habits, then your habits make you.” Quoted by Warren Buffet

Life-Changing Habits


Get up as early as possible


Most of the successful people around the world get up before 5. a.m. If you are a late riser it will be a little difficult when you begin to work on this habit. Use the habit loop formula explained by Charles Duhigg. Attach some reward with this habit- it may be a cup of tea or coffee.

There is a technique called 21/90 ( it means people take 21 days to be habitual of anything and if continued for 90 days it becomes their lifestyle). Change in this one habit will amazingly change your life. Remember the popular saying, “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”.

Meditation and Exercise to form life-changing habits

Once you get up early it is very important to utilize your time wisely. Start your day by taking a long breath. Fill oxygen in your lungs and body by taking deep breaths. It stimulates your brain cells and keeps your brain and body active. Include running, brisk walk, yoga, or any kind of physical exercise you love to do. You can go on a walk if you are feeling dull. Exercise is a must for physical fitness. Remember that you cannot enjoy any wealth without good health.

Prayer or Gratitude

Include this habit in your daily routine and feel the positivity that comes into your life. It is very important to pay gratitude to the Almighty for giving this precious life. I will quote the Thomas Meston statement “Every breath we draw is the gift of God’s Love, every moment of existence is a grace.”

Healthy Breakfast

Don’t skip your breakfast as it works as fuel for your body. To keep yourself energetic and healthy we should include the habit of taking a healthy breakfast. If your morning routine is very busy and doesn’t have time to cook you can make healthy smoothies. Its preparation time is very less and nutrient value is very high. Include healthy smoothies in your diet and stay fit. You can also include sprouts salad, fruits salad which are easy and healthy options.

Set your Goals

Prepare your To-Do List every day according to your priorities. Organizing and listing our daily goals saves our time and energy which makes us more efficient. It is very important to schedule our time effectively otherwise all our effort will be wasted. Stay away from social networking.

Stay Hydrated

As we all know that our body consists of 65 to 70% water. So, it is compulsory to be hydrated. So, drink water as much as you can. Water detoxifies our bodies and keeps us fit.

No Procrastination

This habit has a great impact on our success or failure in life. Dealing with the habit of procrastination alone stands you in the queue of winners. With your willpower and positive thought, you can change the habit of procrastination.

Learn something new every day

This habit enhances your personality by increasing your knowledge. Your personality becomes more effective if you have a vast knowledge base. In this high technology world, it is very important to learn something new every day and keep yourself up to date.

Positive Surrounding for life-changing habits

Make a habit of being in the company of only positive people. Our surrounding has a great impact on our mental growth. As we are social animals the people around us have a great influence on our behavior. What others think about us can change our thought processes and our self-esteem. So, always surround yourself with positive people.

Positive self-talk before going to bed

Practice this habit on regular basis and see the miraculous change in your life. Positive self-talk helps in forming a positive self-image which plays an eminent role in positive self-esteem. Positive self-esteem plays a very important role in a successful profession or relation. Before going to bed say strong positive words to your- self- as you are rewarding yourself. This habit controls your negative thoughts and makes you feel confident.

Adopt these 10 habits step by step using the 21/90 rule to see the outstanding positive changes in your life. Always remember the words of Zig Ziglar: “There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.”

Make these Habits your stairs to success and your willpower plays the most important role.

Stay Healthy Stay Tune.

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