Healthy smoothies recipes easy smoothie recipes

Healthy smoothies recipes easy

Why are Healthy smoothies recipes easy is required?

A healthy breakfast is very necessary to start our day it works as fuel for our body which will give us the required energy for the rest of the day. Skipping our breakfast leads to many health problems like bad metabolism, headache, and migraine, etc. So, Healthy smoothies recipes easy is a solution. 

If you have a very busy morning routine and find it difficult to prepare a healthy breakfast then try these easy smoothie recipes which are very nutritious and delicious.

Healthy smoothies recipes easy are easy to prepare full of mineral and vitamins because it contains fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Healthy smoothies recipes are even more nutritious because you can prepare them by adding Fruits and Vegetables as per your choice.

To make it even healthier we can add Nuts and roasted seeds which are very rich in minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids. We can consume smoothies as a whole meal because they provide most of the nutrients required by our body. So without compromising on our health prepare these easy smoothie recipes.


This article will provide you with top healthy smoothies recipes easy and we will also discuss nutritional facts of healthy smoothies recipes.

Banana + Oat + Almond Smoothie Prepared with soya milk

To make Healthy smoothies recipes easy, take some Bananas cut into pieces, pre-soaked Oat, and at some roasted almond put all the ingredients in a blender and mix it well with soya milk to give it thick consistency (any milk can be used as per your taste), blend it well, and put some ice cubes. Frozen milk and fruits can be used as well to avoid ice cubes. Enjoy the healthy smoothies.

Nutritional Facts


good source of calories, carbohydrates, natural sugar, and potassium with zero fats.


very good source of protein and fiber


are rich in protein and give you calories which will charge you for the whole day.

In this way, we can make very healthy smoothies recipes.


Apple + Fig + Cinnamon smoothies

Apple + Fig + Cinnamon Smoothie

Take pieces of frozen Apple, fig, and honey in a blender jar and add half a tablespoon of cinnamon. We can add milk as per our choice blend it well and enjoy these easy smoothie recipes.

Nutritional Facts:


are a rich source of calories, Carbohydrate and natural sugar required by our body


are rich in antioxidants and a very good source of fiber Cinnamon: very good antioxidant


Strawberry + Chia Seeds + Pure Vanilla extract

Chia seeds should be pre-soaked ( at least half an hour before) Add strawberry pieces and a few drops of vanilla extract in Blender don’t add Chia seeds into the blender. Blend these well with coconut milk. When the smoothie is ready add Chia seeds when you are pouring into the container. Enjoy the super healthy smoothies recipes.

Nutritional facts


contains vitamin C and manganese, a very good anti-oxidant, controls blood sugar.

Chia Seeds

as a very good source of anti-oxidant regular use of this seed can lower the risk of heart disease.


Banana + roasted Flaxseeds + Yogurt  Smoothie

healthy smoothies recipes easy
healthy smoothies recipes are easy
Banana + roasted Flaxseeds + Yogurt  Smoothie

These easy smoothie recipes can be prepared by blending banana yogurt and roasted powdered flaxseeds together.

Nutritional Facts


are a very good source of Omega-3 fatty acids


Pineapple + Orange Smoothie with roasted sesame seeds

This homemade super tangy super healthy Smoothie has a very high Vit. C content that boosts our immune system if taken regularly. It is good for people of all age groups. Blend well the pieces of frozen pineapple and oranges mixed with powdered roasted sesame seeds. Milk does not go well with citrus fruits.

Nutritional Facts


rich in vitamin A and K and a very good source of vitamin C

Sesame seeds

are a good source of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus and provide a good amount of calories.


Avocado + Walnut + Cocoa Powder smoothies

To enjoy these healthy smoothies recipes put the pieces of avocados, walnut, and cocoa powder in a blender and mix it well with coconut milk. Add one spoonful of organic Honey. It is highly nutritious.

Nutritional Facts


rich in vitamin C, E, K, and B6 and also a very good source of Omega 3 fatty acids


good source of Biotin, Manganese, Vitamin E, and B6. Also, contain omega 3 fatty acids.

So these are top healthy smoothies recipes that are highly nutritious. These easy smoothie recipes can be prepared by anyone very easily. So take care of your health by including these top healthy smoothies recipes in your daily breakfast.


Remember the saying “Health is our greatest Wealth”.


Stay Healthy Stay Tune.


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