Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is also known as emotional quotient or EQ is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in a constructive way to achieve the desired results in relationships and the workplace.

Studies have shown that people with a high level of emotional intelligence can help in expressing openly, understand emotions better, and are able to master their emotions and stay calm in the face of trials. People with high emotional intelligence are also very well aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and work calmly towards them.

Need for Emotional Intelligence

Life is about managing it well. Earlier everyone used to think that a high IQ is a guarantee of success and happiness until Emotional Intelligence came into the picture as a tool for achieving success and happiness.   Daniel Goleman’s report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers new insight into our “two minds”—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny and life.

A high IQ person with low EQ or low emotional intelligence can negatively impact your interpersonal relationships including your mental and physical health.

When you know to manage yourself you are ready to manage any situation or a person

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence

People who are Self-aware and conduct Self-management deal with the ups and downs of life in a more concrete manner than people with low self-management skills.


Areas to ponder over while at Work Place


Scenario 1:


  • You are criticized by your boss in front of other co-workers
  • Higher EQ Team member: Maintain silence then politely excuse yourself to process your emotions in a safe environment. Come back and behave normally
  • Lower EQ Team member: Become defensive, start arguing and storm out of the office


Scenario 2

  • You got good grades and posted about it on social media
  • Higher EQ: You are proud and confident for what you have achieved and appreciative of any support you receive

Lower EQ: You doubt your success or worth because your post did not get very many “likes.”


How to acquire Emotional Intelligence

Some people are naturally emotionally intelligent while others need to work a little harder at it. Develop your EQ to become successful in the personal, social, and professional world. Companies have experienced that employees with high levels of emotional intelligence achieve major sales targets and productivity.


Positive Attitude for emotional intelligence

A negative attitude easily infects others. Emotionally intelligent people have an awareness of the moods of those around them and behave accordingly. They know what they need to do in order to have a good day and manage their emotions accordingly. This could include small activities like having a great breakfast or lunch, engaging in prayer or meditation during the day, talking calmly to employees, or keeping positive quotes at their desk or computer


Be Self Aware

Pause reflect then react. Self-awareness prevents you from reacting without thinking.  Emotionally intelligent people are aware of their own emotions and how they can affect those around them. They also pick up on others’ emotions and body language and use that information to enhance their overall behavioral and communication skill


Emphatic style of Communication

Communicate emphatically and briefly. It goes a long way toward earning respect without coming across as too aggressive or too passive.


Respond instead of React

Most people listen to react not understand and their response is always not supported by data. Stay calm during stressful situations and conversations. Focus on understanding all aspects of what others are trying to say then respond. The inner conversation is more important before you express yourself. A conscious choice to focus on ensuring that actions and words are in alignment leave a lasting impact


Engaging listening skills

In conversations, emotionally intelligent people listen to understand instead of just waiting for their turn to speak. Paying attention to the nonverbal details of a conversation gives confidence to another person to open up more. People perform better when they know they are being listed.


Criticize well

Positive feedback in a negative manner does not yield any positive result. Negative feedback in a constructive and positive manner brings great results.

Take a few moments to explain your point and how it is affecting others and  their performance and how they can constructively resolve any issues


Empathize with others

Empathy is a trait that shows emotional strength, not weakness. Empathy helps to respect and connect with others on a basic human level. It opens a wide door for mutual respect and understanding between people with differing opinions and situations.


Leadership skills for emotional intelligence

Leaders who are able to keep emotions in check, make rational decisions, and provide swift conflict resolution always drive a successful business by motivating employees and helping them see opportunity while also assisting as they navigate their way through challenges. This allows for a higher and more productive level of performance in life and at work.  Others and Team members find it easy to discuss ideas with leaders who manage their emotions well


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